Shockwave Centers of America


Welcome to FIX24 Joint Biomechanics!

If you are interested in visiting a structural healthcare clinic that emphasizes spinal stenosis in Phoenix, please contact us at FIX24 Joint Biomechanics. We understand that choosing the proper clinic for your cervical, thoracic and lumbar spinal stenosis treatment is a critical aspect of returning you to your optimal health and want you to make the right choice.

The FIX24 System (aka FIX24) involves a unique look at optimum health by focusing on joint biomechanics, nerve function and organ physiology. FIX24 addresses structural healthcare based upon the principles of engineering. The system explores the laws of thermodynamics as they relate to the mechanical function of the human body. FIX24 addresses altered biomechanics and the source of nerve impingement by analyzing, measuring and restoring joint mechanical function without rotational manipulation of the spine.

Spine Related

spine specialist phoenix The FIX24 System addresses the source of nerve impingement by analyzing and restoring normal joint biomechanical function without twisting or rotational manipulation of the spine. Spinal segments identified by exam and radiological studies are moved specifically forward into their normal position and optimum health is recovered.


injury chiropractor The FIX24 System refers to injuries as mechanical stress. Mechanical stress from falls, sports injuries, car accidents and excessive flexion can disrupt your quality of life. Injuries to the biomechanical frame of the human body can be addressed with the mindset of an engineer and a detailed plan of action.


Extremity Chiropractic Adjustments PhoenixThe FIX24 System analyzes the entire biomechanical frame including mechanical stress on the shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips, knees, ankles and feet. In many cases, injections and surgical procedures can be safely avoided.

Call Us Today at 480-405-1377


7000 E Mayo Blvd. Bldg 16. Suite 1058, Scottsdale, AZ 85054